This Week

Running Log


Monday, September 15, 2008

A Milestone Morning

This morning my daughter completed her first ever 2 mile run. The goal was for her to do this on her 10th birthday which is a couple of weeks away. But we have been adding a bit of distance each week and Friday she was quite upset with me when she discovered that she had 1.92 miles. She came in the house and said "dad wouldn't let me run 2 miles!"

I had no idea she cared that much. It was good to know that my daughter had joined the running ranks.

This week will also mark another running milestone in the family. Based on my son's somewhat loosely maintained running log, he will hit one thousand miles as a runner in a couple of days time.

I returned to running myself about four and a half years ago after a nearly 15 year hiatus from all forms of athletic activity. (The fact that I did spend much of that time carb-loading hinted that there was a runner within....way within.)
Today I am nearly 60 pounds lighter than I once was. I am proud that, but the best is running with both of my kids three times each week.

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