This Week

Running Log


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Disney after the Marathon

I did not run the Disney Marathon, though I had a couple of friends who did.

However, I did arrive at the parks with my family the day after the race. It seemed like about 1 out of every 3 guests were wearing a race shirt (nice looking but not spectacular). A small part of me (mostly my legs) enjoyed watching the post marathon shuffle. Every step and every movement appearing closer to the limits of human pain than the entire race did the day before. Safely, a month removed from my own post marathon pain, I smiled knowingly.

What I did not understand was what appeared to be an even greater number of people who were ambling through the park showing no effects from their 26.2 mile distance dance. How could it be? Did they know something I did not know? Were they superhuman? Did they buy the shirt at one of the gazillion gifts shops on property? Several times I came very close to interogating these all "too happy" walkers only to be restrained by not wanting to reveal the dark secrets of my own race recovery.

What makes matters worse is the people with the lightest steps were those wearing the grey Goofy shirts. These shirts proclaimed that they had run both the half and the full marathons over the weekend.

I guess it really is a magical place!

Friday, December 19, 2008

5 Loaves 2 Fish 5K Update

I am excited to share that we have arranged for 2007 NCAA DI XC National Champ Josh McDougal to be part of our church's 5K.

The race will be held in lovely Eunice, LA on Valentine's Day 2009. All proceeds go to our local Relay for Life (American Cancer Society). Josh will be sharing his story and describing how faith fits into his life and his running.

For more info go to the race section of our church website.

Marathon Report

It has been a couple of weeks since I ran the Baton Rouge Beach Marathon and I have neglected to report a summary of the day.

The race was wonderfully well organized from packet pick up to start to route to post race fare. This was a relief, because the race's website had seemed really amateurish. I could not have asked for anything else.

The weather was fantastic in my opinion. About 35 at the start, barely hitting 50 at the finish. A little wind, but not worth complaining about.

Biggest crowd was running the half. So I ran the first lap constantly surrounded by people. However at the half the course suddenly was nearly empty. Fortunately I quickly connected with Bob from Cincinatti who was shooting for a similar finish as I was. Bob and I stuck together till about mile 21 or 22. At which point, my son jumped on the course and escorted me home.

It was by far my best home stretch of my three marathons. But I still would not wish them on my worst enemy. But thanks to a strong first lap and company on the second I headed to the finish ahead of my goal pace which took some pressure off.

I crossed the line at 3:54:39. Achieving my goal of breaking 4:00:00 and taking more than 14 minutes off my previous PR.

Which could explain why I plan to back next year!

Recovery was (and is) another story. Four days of agony. Six days before I could run again. Two weeks later I have only run four times and am currently nursing a very tender foot.

But did I mention I broke 4:00:00? No complaints here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

4 Days to Go....

Well really less than four since this day is nearing its close. But other than a 2 mile jog scheduled for Friday morning, I have finished training for my marathon. Now it is just time to wait....

And worry. Worry that because this is my third marathon I have made the mistake of not giving 26.2 miles the respect it will eventually wring from my body. Worry that moving my marathon up four weeks is going to leave me severely underprepared. Worry that instead of a PR I will have a PW (personal worst). Worry that the small crowd is going to make the marathon too gruelling mentally. Worry that....

Yeah, I am a blast to live with this week!

But the waiting will soon be over.

Monday, November 24, 2008

A Change of Plans

Last night I registered for the Baton Rouge Beach Marathon, solidifying a recent change in plans. This will take the place of the Mississippi Blues Marathon. I determined that running a marathon closer to home just made more sense. (Money lost in registration will be more than made up in travel savings.)
The down side to this change is that it bumps my race date up by four whole weeks. I feel like my base is really strong, but I do worry the lost weeks. The upside is that the course is a much less challenging course, so I hope things will break even.
Either way...I am doing 26.2 in 12 days.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ah, yes....the 20 miler

The much anticipated first twenty miler of the season is this Saturday. Folks often ask, where do you run 20 miles? Below you see what is a beautiful, quiet country route that runs mostly through rice and crawfish fields.

During the summer I stay away from this route due to the lack of shade, but even then I have strong associations with last winter's long runs when I drive these roads.

Click here.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Going to Have to Make Room....

for this morning's run on my Top Ten Runs list.

I spent the last couple of days in New Orleans for the Louisiana Baptist Convention annual meeting. I traveled by myself, which gave me the opportunity to get in a run that I have been wanting to do for a long time....St. Charles Avenue.

Since my marathon training called for a 10 miler today it fit in perfectly. I parked in a public parking lot in the French Quarter, close to Cafe du Monde. From there I ran along the riverwalk, then headed up Canal Street for several blocks to St. Charles. Once I got past Lee Circle I was hitting the route I had really wanted to get to. For a while I ran the sidewalk, but then moved to the neutral ground (grass median every place else in America)between the street car tracks. But traffic was light and I spent most of the run on the street, which was the smoothest of the three surfaces.

I turned around at the main entrance to Audobon Park. Once I had got back to my car I had completed a hair over 11 miles at about 8:25 a mile. Only down side was having to pay $8 for the parking. Most expensive run that did not at least get me a t shirt!